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Don't jump. Let me tell you a little about me.
I've been there. I was a single mom for six years before I met my husband. I had a one bedroom apartment, worked two jobs, was on assistance and barely got by. Christmas was hard. Probably the darkest time of year for me when it was supposed to bring me the most joy. Nearly all my friends were married so I felt like a third wheel. I lived in Northern California at the time and my relatives lived in Southern California, so traveling was another cost I couldn't afford. It was never more lonely than when my son was with his father for Christmas and I was by myself at home with nothing but a bottle of "2 Buck Chuck" and the tree to light my spirit.
I'm here now. I'll share in a later post, but my husband is a three year brain cancer survivor. Even though it's been three years, cancer never really goes away. Some of the cost's we still have are yearly MRI's and ultrasounds, as well as medications he may have to take for the rest of his life. The timeline went something like this: Moved from Idaho to WV for a job, a year and a half later he is diagnosed. He heals. We have another (surprise) baby. A year from there, he's fired from said job. We list our house (which doesn't sell for four months, so paying a mortgage with no income,) and move back to Idaho where my husband takes on odd jobs for seven loooooong months, and we get back on assistance to keep the kids fed.
We're in the same boat, Mama. The waves toss us up and over, and back around again. Water seems to spill in and we're desperately trying to scoop it out as fast as we can, just to have another wave crash over us again. It's feels like we're drowning, gasping for air, praying for a flippin break because we're at our end.
We're in the same boat, Mama. The waves toss us up and over, and back around again. Water seems to spill in and we're desperately trying to scoop it out as fast as we can, just to have another wave crash over us again. It's feels like we're drowning, gasping for air, praying for a flippin break because we're at our end.
My family is no longer on assistance and my husband has a fantastic job, but we're most definitely still feeling the ripple affect of that tsunami that nearly did my family in. Maybe you're not there yet. Let me hand you a life saver.
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8
The other day I gave you the gift of Enough. Then I realized that after I showed you all these pretty things to buy, you may not be able to buy them and then I felt like a complete jerk. I forgot how challenging this could be for you. I'm sorry.
As much as I wish I could pay your bills and fill your tree so fat it takes days to go through the presents, today I want to give you some things that are greater.
These gifts won't cost you a dime and they're good all year long:
Your (undivided) Time and (uninterrupted) Attention
Pride in them
Here's a list of free things to do, together:
Go Caroling
Visit an Assisted Living Home
Volunteer at a Women's Shelter
Write letters to our soldiers,
Read Christmas and Holiday books (free from the Library)
Host a movie night with some Christmas or Holiday DVD's (also free from the Library)
Write what you're thankful for
Visit Santa (free Candy Canes!)
Build a snowman
Complete a puzzle
Build a fort
Make your next meal "fancy" by wearing your best and eat by candle light
Just like winter, this season of financial woes will pass.
We have that promise from Yahweh-yireh (He will provide.)
Let His promise dwell in your heart. You are not alone, and He will sustain you!
ps. If you need help meal planning on the cheap, get this. If you need help for gifts, go here, and here.
We have that promise from Yahweh-yireh (He will provide.)
Let His promise dwell in your heart. You are not alone, and He will sustain you!
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
ps. If you need help meal planning on the cheap, get this. If you need help for gifts, go here, and here.
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