

I'm Stephanie, and I'm so glad you're here!
You can read about when we began homeschooling and how our homeschool is changing directions on the blog, but here are a few random things about me:

  1. After I finished college and traveled the world with Green Peace, I wanted to be an oceanographer. Instead, I went to Beauty College. I never, in a million years thought I would have a large family or that I would be a homeschool mom. 
  2. I've moved over fifty times in my life. 11 in the past twelve years!
  3. All my babies were born c-section much to the chagrin of my doctors. 
  4. I can't bake bread to save my life. For years I have tried but they all come out as bricks.
  5. When I'm scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, I somehow like something to make it an even number. Strange I know, but I swear it's never intentional. If I see something that has 59 likes and I like it too, well then...
  6. Speaking of numbers, when I look at a clock, it almost always seems to be 3:33! (Cue the Twilight Zone music)
  7. I'm really not that weird but the fact that you're still reading this gives me hope that I'm not.
  8. I've been homeschooling for ten years, but I'm in no way a veteran. I'm still trying new things out with each season.
  9. I can watch Pride and Prejudice over and over again and never tire of it.
  10. When we moved from West Virginia to Idaho, I made my husband leave our bedroom set so we could fit all our bins of books in the moving truck. "We could just get new furniture." I said as the people helping us load rolled their eyes at me. I really love books.

Yep, I'm a real-life mom with quirks just like you. I'm here to share about our realife homeschool adventure using mostly Charlotte Mason methods with a little twist here and there. It's my prayer that in my sharing I can encourage, and in encouraging, we can be friends.

Much love,


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