Brave Writer Weekly Digest Vol.1

January 2, 2017

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This morning I shared on Instagram that we're not starting school again until next week.

Over Christmas break, I sorta had a meltdown. It was an all out sob session with my husband about how homeschooling isn't working. How I felt alone in homeschool. That no one seems to be as excited about learning about the Pyramids as I was. The curriculum wasn't working, so what's the point? Most days we are struug-ah-ling to get through the lessons. And since nothing seemed to be working, I spent all my off time reading and searching and Pinning and watching everything homeschool, searching for the Holy Grail that would save us from our misery, only to have all my research make me feel even worse for not doing all the things! I told him I was quitting. Like really quitting. Then I did what any normal out of her mind mom would do and had a glass of wine and a good night's sleep. 

Even though I really wanted to quit my job, I knew I couldn't. I love my kids too much. We're all just stuck in a rut. It happens every year, but this year feels different. Hopeless. I had a little chat with everyone and we decided what curriculum could stay and what had to go. It's time to simplify the curriculum.

We decided to keep our current math program and use The Mystery of History along with these notebooking pages. I plan on subscribing to a couple of monthly subscription boxes for the preschoolers and something to cover STEM activities. For Language Arts, I'm going all in with Brave Writer.

I have to be honest here. At the beginning of the the school year I was looking for an all inclusive LA program. I came across The Writer's Jungle and after reading it's description, I crossed it off the list. I mean, who wants to learn how to teach their kids to write? Isn't that what the curriculum is supposed to do?  

Fast forward, and I've basically stalked watched all of Julies video's on Facebook and YouTube, signed up with the Yahoo email group, purchased the planner on Homeschool Planet and just ordered the Arrow (starting with one of our favorite books!) Aaaand I plan on seeing her at our homeschool convention this year. (Hopefully I won't get all fan like and make a fool of myself when I meet her.)

If you've moseyed through the Brave Writer site as much as I have, you'll soon find out that this isn't necessarily a Language Arts curriculum, but a lifestyle. One that includes, Poetry Tea Time, Nature Journaling, Art study, movies, games, and so much more!

Each week, I plan on sharing what I'm learning from Brave Writer and how we accomplish our new lifestyle of learning with a Weekly Digest. My goal is to read a chapter a week from The Writer's Jungle, then take an assignment from there and share it with you. I'm also going to start completing the weekly plans laid out in the planer and share my thoughts on how it all weaves together. If you're interested in Brave Writer, but you're still unsure how it works, Take A Tour!

We homeschool mama's have one of the highest, deeply gratifying, and somehow most overlooked job. We spend our days pouring into our children, yet we won't see the fruit of our investment for years to come. We get tired and worn down from the monotony of our daily grind. You know what?It's ok to admit defeat or when somethings simply not working. It shows your strength, not your weakness, and there's no shame on you if you do. Like me, you may need to take a personal inventory of yourself. 

Are you feeling like you're burnt out? Take a break! Winter is a season of rest. Take time to pause and reevaluate what's working and what needs to be weeded out. If you do, please share your thoughts. What's working, what's not and how are you changing to make it all work? I'm here for you! oxox

ps. You can read my Brave Writer Weekly Digest No. 2 here.

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