
Vision Statement

Where there is no vision, the people perish.  Proverbs 29:18

We believe Yeshua (Jesus) is our guide over our homeschool. 
We purpose to educate our children in a way that brings glory to G*d, to pursue holiness over worldliness and to seek all that is good and righteous, by equipping them for the work He calls them to do for His honor. 
We will teach our children to keep a sense of wonder and admiration for all of G*ds creation.
We will encourage our children to use their hands to create beauty, their voice to speak life and their hearts to show compassion and love.
We will exhibit G*dly character and principles by example, so our children can learn to love their neighbor as themselves with humility and grace.
We will model good financial habits in tithing, giving, and serving so our children can enjoy the harvest of reaping what is sewn into the Kingdom.
We will strive to encourage our children to develop a love of reading for research, pleasure and a lifelong pursuit of knowledge.

Above all, we pray that we would have no greater joy than to know our children walk with the YHWH.
Copyright © Not Quite Charlotte
Design by Fearne